April 10 - 12
Three Days of Partying

Sedona can still sleep through just about anything.

Anything Crayola is cool to get on your Birthday!!!

Thank You Sedona for my presents...

Still trying to sleep here Daddy, put that camera away till I am ready.

Here this is my good-side.

"Everytime, we go to the store I see this poster it is what I always wanted!"

Thank You Momom!

Thank You Oma

Teyo is helping unwrap presents.

"Happy Birthday to You!"

Did you make a WISH?

Aprill 11th - Let's PARTY!!!

Ellie designed her own cake for the PARTY!

All eyes on the Birthday Girl!

YUMMMY Cake and Ice Cream!

Learning the MACARENA

Dancing the Macarena

Watch the video
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Dance Party

Teyo wanted to see what all the NOISE was...

Oh, Nevermind - -



The DAY after we had a SURPRISE VISITOR!!!!

April 12, 2008

Aunt Daisy brought Arielle and Jazlyn for a visit - -

Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Riding the Pony :-)

When do I get some cake????

Outside enjoying the weather.

Ellie riding her bicycle.

Someday, I will get to ride with you Ellie.


Thanks for visiting.

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